Short Scene Scripts for Beginning Actors

Short scene scripts explore the human interactions, situations, and events which help actors explore and develop the breadth of their acting skills. These scripts are written duologues and dialogues for young adults to use during rehearsals and exercises in class. They are short and simple interludes, leaving an impression on the audience.

Family Turmoil

(Brother and sister discuss a family member)

A: She did the unthinkable. 

B: Did mom tell you too?

A: I’m just so angry.  Not that you care.

B: It wasn’t my fault you know. 

A: Then whose was it? You were there.

B: -Just stop! …please. (pause)

A: Why did she do it?

B: It’s embarrassing I know. She can’t help it.

A: There’s such a thing as free will ya know!

B: Not for everyone.

A: …But why? Why now?

B: Grandma died. She loved her, you know. She’s still upset.

A: Still she didn’t need to do that! 

B: Yeah I know.

A: Well?

B: Well what? 

A: Did you have to talk to the police?

B: I tried avoiding them, processing took forever.

A:  …Just when we thought it was all over.

B: Yeah. 

A:  I’m never turning out like her you know.

A: She’s not bad you know, she had an…episode. 

B: Oh right, is ‘that’ what you call it. (gets up to leave)

A: Hey, this will pass, it really will. 

B: Hope so.

A: Wouldn’t mind a hot drink. 

B: What? Get it yourself, lazy!


    … Two sugars?

A: (smiles)

Two Young Men

(Two teenagers or young men angry when a stolen item they bought doesn’t work)

A:  I can’t believe it. 

B: What?

A: It’s broken!

B: What do you mean it’s broken?

A: I mean it’s broken see? 

B:  (looks at it) I don’t understand…bastard. 

A: You got duped mate… 

B: You wanted me to buy it. 

A: This is shit, you’ll have to pay me back!

B: No way!

A: Yes mate you do!

B:  How was I supposed to know it wasn’t gonna work?

A: I trusted you. 

B: It’s not my fault!

A: Who’s fault is it?

B: Troy’s. 

A: Who is this idiot Troy? 

B: He’s a mate of mine. 

A: Oh right a mate you say. 

B: Just get over it. You took the risk. 

A: On your word!

B:  It’s on your head too ya know.

A: My head? You made the promise, ya dingbat. 

B: I bought two and they cost $100. I’m out of pocket too. 

A: Yeah? Karma’s a bitch. I’m just so pissed!


B: You win some you lose some. 

A: We’re both losers.

B: …shit.

A: Remind me to never buy off your criminal mates again. 

B: He’s not my mate. 

A: He was a minute ago!


B: We’re both bloody gullible ya know.

A: …Yeah okay! You need to give me back half at least.

B: (sighs)

A: Yes!


B: Look, I’ll do better than that. I’ll take you out for a couple of beers. 

A: More than a couple.

B: Yeah, more than a couple, c’mon let’s go. 

Excellent Short Scene Books For Actors

The Ultimate Scene And Resource Book

A good book for young people starting out and wanting to act in short scenes.

Scenes For Teens, 50 Original Comedy and Drama Scenes for Teens

Scenes for Teens is meant to help simplify the acting and auditioning process for young actors. Created by an experienced entertainer with Hollywood and Broadway credits, these fifty original comedy and drama scripts are ideal for actor training.

Directing Actors:  Creating Memorable Performances for Film & Television

Internationally-renowned directing coach Weston demonstrates what constitutes a good performance, what actors want from a director, what directors do wrong, script analysis and preparation, how actors work, and shares insights into the director/actor relationship.

Don’t’ Get It Twisted   (Comedy)

(Three Teenage or College girls gossip about their friends, which escalates into the ridiculous)

A: Hey,  Francie’s going on a ‘date’ with Joey.

B: Joey! What the hell does he see in her? 

A: Exactly. 

B: She’s got no boobs.

A: (Laughs)

B:  And isn’t she a lesbian?

A: Bisexual, 

B: Bisexual. 

A: She’s actually been seeing Brent. 

B: Brent! What, I thought he was seeing Emma? 

A: He was. 

B:  Emma’s going to be pissed. 

A:  Not that I care, cow.

B: Cow. 

A:  Emma stole Martin off me remember?

B: Yeah, cow.

A; And Francie got with him not long after.

B:. Didn’t Emma get with him at that party?

A: Yep. 

B: While you were working night shift?

A: Ahum. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten. 

B: Bet you she thought she was Queen Beatrice.

A: Queen Bee.

B: Exactly.

A: Francie doesn’t realise that Brent’s got an STD!

B: What? Brent! What STD?

A: Gonorrhea I heard. 

B: Gonner what? 

A: Gonorreha! 

B: (gaspes) 

B: Wow! -She’s gonna be the Gonner up the rear girl!

(both laugh)

A: Serves them right. 

B: So Brent and Francie’s got Gono…gonor? 

-interrupted by Quantae walking in the bathroom- 

C: Hi girls. What’s up?

A: Ah – Nothing, just having a chat. See you out there. – (She leaves)

  (In whispered voices)

B: Hey,  Francie’s got goner…goner, a disease of the vagina?

C: A vaginal disease?

B: Can’t remember the name, but she’s soiled goods. 

C: Wow, that’s serious, poor Francie. 

B: Poor Francie.

C: Who gave it to her?

B: Brent I think, or was it Joey, I can’t remember, 

C: She slept with them both?

B: Yeah, they’ve all got it. 

C: All of them?

B: Yeah.

C: So pleased I never slept with them. 

B: Same, not that they asked. 

C: So Francie, Brent and Joey have all got Chlamydia?

B: … Gonorrhea or Chlyamydia or both…

C: Eww!  Can you imagine the smell? 

B: Gross!

C: I’ve got to tell Emma. 

B: Best she knows as well.

C: Wait!

B: She’s probably got it too right?

C: Yes!

B:  Both Emma and Francie have… ‘played the field, know what I mean?

C: Exactly! This is crazy.   (they both start to leave the bathroom)

 B:  Hey and apparently Francies is a transexual. 

C:  I’m not surprised.. 

B:  You’re not?

C:  You seen the size of her feet?

B: Yeah! Goliath. 

C: Come on, let’s warn the others. 

Life’s Like That

(Two men in their 20’s talking about their hidden natures)

A: When’s the playoff?

B: 10 minutes. 

A: You hungry?

B: Here have some chips.

A: Cheers. 

B:  You still working at that fast food joint?

A: Yeah, got promoted to manager. 

B: Great.

A: Pretty happy with that. 

B: Hey good for you!

A: Thanks. 

B:  Did you know the owner is my Uncle Bill? 

A: No way! Get out of here. Bill’s your uncle?! 

B: Yeah. 

A: That’s not too surprising. 

A: Sorry? 

B: It’s not surprising he’s your uncle.

A: Oh.

B: considering…

A: Considering what? 

B: That’s he’s…

A: What?

B: That he’s…you know…

A: That he’s gay? 

B: Uh, No, I wasn’t going to say that..

A: That he’s gay?

B: .Well he is gay isn’t he?

A: What’s that got to do with anything


Just because he’s my uncle?

B: I thought you…

A: -Hang on, who said I was gay?

B: What, your’e not gay?

A: No, I’m engaged to Patricia, your employee at work. 

B: …Go figure. Sorry,

A: It’s okay.

B: What …with your mannerisms and all…

A: Dude I’m not gay.

B: Alright, alright. 

A: And what mannerisms exactly?

B: Forget it. 


A: Anyway you’ve got your own issues to worry about. 

B: Sorry?

A;  Sleeping with women 30 years your senior.

B: Being with older women in a bar, doesn’t mean…

A: -Oh right, sure…

B: -What? Come on and spill it!

A: Oh nothing.

B: What are you insinuating?

A: I thought you were married. 

B: I’ve been happily married to Maddie for 5 years. 

A: Bob said he saw you with an older…

B: I like womens’ company. That’s all.

A:  You like grave warmers do you?

B: Steady on. 

A: The walking stick type?

B: Not ‘that’ old. 


B: Might have flirted, that’s about it.

A; Flirted? Is that what you call it?…

B: It doesn’t mean..

A: Doesn’t it?

B: Alright, alright!


A: Do you really think I’m gay?

B: Yes. 


     You really think I’m cheating on my wife?

A: Yes.


B: Maybe I should be gay. 

A: Still wouldn’t fancy you. 


A: I need to tell Patricia.

B:  Kick her out of her misery. 

A: Stop cheating, she doesn’t deserve it.

B: No, you’re right, she doesn’t.


(Both eat their chips)



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Mel Coddington

Hi I am an actress, singer, teacher, former acting coach, tertiary lecturer and content writer. I live in a small town in New Zealand. My husband is a theatre director. We aim to mount 2 to 3 productions per year which include dramatic theatre, theatre for children and sometimes musical theatre.

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