The Best Acting books for theater are essential for the person who is looking to improve on or embark on a career in theater acting. Acting books give the actor an inexpensive way to learn the valuable knowledge, tips, and tricks of the acting for theater trade. Knowledge is power and the following acting books will keep you tuned in and turned on. These are some books All Actors Should Read

Konstantin Stanislavski book: AN ACTOR PREPARES

He has many books that delve into the more naturalistic style of acting, which our modern acting stems from. An Actor Prepares is the book that allows one to learn more about the developing actor. I have also shared this book with tertiary students.

Sandford Meisner: On Acting

The author of this book; Sanford Meisner, implores students and actors to focus on the other actor rather than on one’s internal thoughts only. He also developed the repititon exercise where actors repeat back to each other words and lines which take a life of their own, without being forced.

Really insightful reading and teaching tips.

Famous actor’s worked with Sandford Meisner are; James Gandolfini, Jack Nicolson, Anthony Hopkins, Kim Basinger, Jeff Goldblum, Jeff Bridges

Other books written by Sandford Meisner which are valuable for the actor.


Uta Hagen the German theater teacher and practitioner created the; substitution, transference, specificity, authenticity, and preparation.

Winner of Tony awards and a well known New York acting teacher.

Famous Actor’s who’ve worked under her: Gene Wilder, Robert DeNiro, Daniel DeWeldon, Tony Goldwyn, Faye Dunaway


Less Straussberg was heavily influenced by Constantine Stanislavsky, where he developed the Method Acting technique. He wanted the audience to feel as though they were moved by a performance. The method was made famous by well-known actors such as Robert DeNiro, Julie Harris, Geraldine Page, Marlon Brando, Anne Bancroft, Rod Steiger, Eli Wallach, Patricia Neal, Sidney Poitier, and Dustin Hoffman. Of course, Marilyn Monroe became Strasberg’s prodigy and close friend.

Check out the link to popular Screen Acting books which are very helpful to learn about acting for television, film and short projects.

Stellar Adler: THE ART OF ACTING

Stellar Adler an American theater Practitioner and teacher. She was the only actor to work with Stanislavsky and she developed her own acting method.

Her method introduces ‘Emotional Recall’ and ‘Imagination’, script interpretation, and a cultivation of rich humanity.

Stella Adler’s most well known book: The Art of Acting is certainly one of the best acting books available for actors and beginning prctitioners.

The Best Screen Actors Books


Michael Chekhov

His ability to cut through to the truth, and focus on concentration and attention are extremely necessary for an actor to read about and learn to distinguish between each concept. His comments on criticism are on point.

Chekhov also studied under Stanislavsky, but felt as though he left some techniques out of his work, hence why he wrote this book.

The great thing about this Chekhov (nephew of the playwright Anton Chekhov), is that he cuts to the chase. There is a wealth of knowledge in his book for actors.

Other Popular Books on Acting


This book written by Jenna Fischer is a modern take on her Hollywood career which she began when she was 22. She talks about the nuts and bolts of trying to get a foot in the door.

From audtion after audtion to finally landing a role with the iconic television series ‘The Office.’

Fischer tells us of the difficulties and the pitfalls to avoid. She shares a wealth of knowledge in this very popular book.

Viola Spoolin: Improvisation for the Theater

A fabulous book that is perfect for acting teachers, coaches, and tutors. I have personally utilized this book in my teaching and still do today. Some excellent theater games to use with beginning students and even seasoned actors.

These games are timeless and can be used in a number of theatrical spaces and workshop rooms. This book works hand in hand with Theater Sports and Improvisation activities/theater.

Check on the book to see Amazon’s current very reasonable prices.


 Secrets of Screen Acting is a Wonderful array of acting tricks for today’s performer in theater and in screen. He makes the distinction between acting for the stage and for the screen. He explains that the actor, instead of starting with what is real and trying to portray that on screen, should work with the realities of the shoot itself, and then work out how to make it all appear realistic. Even though it is based on screen, he also delves into the differences between the two genres. You can get his book here in paperback from Amazon. (click on the book)

In Conclusion

These are the best acting books for the emerging actor and performer. But they are also for the seasoned professional actor, director, producer, or theater practitioners. We learn so much from people’s thoughts and having those thoughts written in a book we have easy access to is essential to our growth. I hope you enjoyed reading about great books already written by the greats of our society. Please follow this blog for more great content.


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Mel Coddington

Hi I am an actress, singer, teacher, former acting coach, tertiary lecturer and content writer. I live in a small town in New Zealand. My husband is a theatre director. We aim to mount 2 to 3 productions per year which include dramatic theatre, theatre for children and sometimes musical theatre.

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