Theater Etiquette – Technical Dress Rehearsals

Tech Dress rehearsals are a way for technicians to learn about your show and best utlize their skills. As a performer, you need to know theater etiquette to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. These rehearsals are long, and action is often interrupted to correct parts of the performance and or technical aspects.

By the day of the first Technical Rehearsal, the cast members, backstage crew and theater technitians should be prepared for a stop start long, researsal process.

The cast members would usually get into costume. Tricky makeup jobs would be tested out by makeup artists or the cast themselves. Backstage crew are set behind the stage which would include the Stage Manager and assistants.

The Technical crew would already have had a script to go over with the director and stage manager and they would have annotated it which best suits their way of working.

Technical equipment will already be installed and working, which normally includes lighting would have been set and ready for plotting (setting particular types of lights in particular areas to light up certain parts of the stage).

Sound Board for Musical Theater

This would also include the sound board which will already be installed and ready to play music, sound effects or use voices where needed.

Pre-set Lighting Before the Show

Typically you’d start with a pre-set show lights, which normal play while the audience is coming in the theater to be seated. It gives the audience a clue as to the mood and style of the show.

The Stage Manager would ensure that scene one sets and props are pre-set as needed by the Director.

Actors are also ready to go either on stage, or some are working on stage as part of the pre-set for the audience to get a glimpse of the show.

They should be stood in their number one positions. That means there first positions for the opening scene.

Check Everything You Need is Set

You need to check that your props and costumes bits and pieces are set where you need them. There is nothing worse than a person who fiddles with someone else’s prop and the original actor can’t find it.

The Technical Dress Rehearsal Begins with Scene One

The Stage Manager would ensure that all props, costumes, set pieces and bits and pieces are set and ready to go. They would also usually have communication devices connected to the sound and lighting technicians. This is so that they can work hand in hand with the production.

All key people in the crew would have scripts at hand to know what is meant to happen where and when. The Director is often sitting in the seats watching, listing and faciliting the action on stage and conversing with the technical team as well.

Keeping Acting As Though You are Running the Show

The technical team, need to know where you stand, the way you face and your bodily actions in different parts of a scene. That is why they want you to act the scene as though it is a run. However, don’t get surprised if they halt you the the director stops you. Techical Dress Rehearsals can be intense, but also rewarding.

The technical team may need to fix or adjust lights. The sound technician many need to play a certain sound at a specific time. They need to rehearse this with the actors, director and backstage crew, which of course includes the stage manager.

Often a performer is asked to move into a certain lit spot on the stage. It is imperative that you know the proper stage directions, when you are blocking, rehearsing and dress rehearsing a show. That means stage left, right, upstage, and downstage areas.

The Costume and Makeup Artists Want to Know How the Performers Look On Stage

The Costume designers and makeup artists may call you early before the technical dress rehearsal to see how your costume and makeup looks under the lights. Be prepared to put on makeup and costumes.

Makeup gives dimension to the face under harsh lights. Costumes which may look over the top in real life, may look perfectly realistic on stage. Or exaggerated costumes can look even larger than life depending on the look.

During technical dress rehearsal you need to wear what you’ve been asked to wear so everyone can see what you will look like.

It also gives you as a performer an idea how your costume will feel and look like on stage with others.

Technical Dress Rehearsals are Extremely Long and Sometimes Boring

If you aren’t used to technical dress rehearsals, you need to be aware that they can go on and on for hours at a time. You may be asked to repeat an entrance over and over again until it is technically perfect.

Try not to have an attitude with crew due to long hours because it will get back to the director and or production team.

Don’t Walk Away When Your Scene is Done

Don’t walk away from the scene if you think your scene is done. Directors may want to play part of a scene again and will get irritated if performers thin they have ended. You need to make sure that the next scene is actually started, where you are not involved.

(Author) I have personally witness many times when actors, have thought they have finished with a scene, only to find that the director needed them for the same scene again to check on a word delivery or something else. I was a Stage Manager for many professional children’s shows and the amount of times I have had to go and find inexperienced actors to come back to re-do a scene was very often…and I had to wear the frustration of the director.

Check When You are Needed by Using a Scene List

I have often drawn up a list of the scenes by title and for backstage crew the ‘set’ pieces needed for each scene, which included the half time. This was written on large paper on the walls of each side of the stage. It was good for both backstage crew and cast to know when their scene was on.

You could also type or write one up for yourself to know exactly when and where you are needed. You tend to remember cues and stage directions better when you handwrite scenes compared to typing them. These are quite important for technical dress rehearsals.

Bring Something to Because You’ll Be There for Long Hours

When you aren’t needed on stage for your scene, it’s always a good idea to learn you lines, check your costume and or makeup and props you need.

If you have a downtime, do bring something to do, such as a book, magazine, crossword. Bring something to fill in the time, because some times it will be a long day to fill in.

Some actors enjoy bantering with others and that is fine especially in the Greenroom. Do remember that there are people who want to go into the Green room to chill out and relax.

Check out my other post on Theater etiquette– why actors should never be late to rehearsals.

Don’t Eat The Prop Food

So you are relaxing in the Greenroom and you see a lovely looking chocolate cake in the fridge and cut a piece off for yourself. Well, it could very well be a prop for the show. Look for words which say they are prop foods, and or ask if the food is for a purpose.

Often After the Stop Start Technical Dress Rehearsal you Will ‘Run’ the Show

During the run of the show, you will need to ensure you have everything you need as though there is a paying audience. Proper costume, makeup and performance skills.

The show should run according to the opening night show. This is technically your technical dress rehearsal run.

After the run, you may be asked to come to the stage or a designated place for notes from the director. The director will give notes for the performers to aide the production. Often the technical team will also add notes where needed. And then it is time to go home.

Mel Coddington

Hi I am an actress, singer, teacher, former acting coach, tertiary lecturer and content writer. I live in a small town in New Zealand. My husband is a theatre director. We aim to mount 2 to 3 productions per year which include dramatic theatre, theatre for children and sometimes musical theatre.

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